What is the best way propose someone - show you love them a lot?
Take her to a place that's special and meaningful to both of you. It could be the place you first met, had your first date or just a place that holds the best memories of your relationship. If possible, arrange for someone to secretly take pictures so you can remember the moment!
You could take her to your favorite theme park and have it announced while at the front of the line waiting for the ride and while it is being announced get down on one knee.
A LOT of people advise against asking her in a very public manor because she will feel OBLIGATED to say yes even if she doesn't really want too. Personally I was SO glad it was in public, I liked the brief moment of spot light.
Take her to a fancy restaurant, and have the violinists there play for her. Preferebly go to one, where they serve fortune cookies at the end. Get the people to arrange an engagement ring to get inside the fortune cookie and place it on her side of the table as the night ends. When she opens it and finds the engagement ring, kneel towards her, and at this moment get the violinists to surround the table and play a nice melody very softly, and ask her to marry you.Just make sure she takes the fortune cookie and make sure you speak in a microphone so that she can hear you over the violinists playing.
if she's the romantic type - a cute and very less expensive way is to take her to a fire works show. Have a romantic picnik beforehand and watch the stars and the fireworks show. As the fireworks go on, kneel, take her hand, look her deep in the eyes and ask her the question.
if she likes sports and likes to go to - Take her to a sport arena and as your watching the big game, arrange it so that it shows up on the screen, and get a camera to focus on her so that you can see her reaction. Sit next to her, and watch as she reads the screen, then kneel, and just wait for her responce.
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